Understanding Availability Information

The Fulfillment Workbench program displays inventory availability information for the items in the fulfillment process. When you select the Unfilled Items with Sales Order Lines option in the workbench, the system shows a fulfillment availability chart to visually aid you in fulfillment decisions. The system displays one of four available charts based on the item that is selected:

  • Fulfillment Available. Indicates that you have enough inventory to meet all demand.

  • Fulfillment Shortfall. Indicates you do not have enough inventory to meet demand

  • Fulfillment Exceeds Safety Stock. Indicates that you have enough inventory to meet demand, but you may dip into the safety stock.

  • Fulfillment Expected. Indicates that you do not have enough inventory to meet demand, but purchase orders or work orders are open for the item.

You can change how the system fulfills order lines by selecting and editing multiple sales order lines. The Fulfillment Workbench Edit form includes an Item Availability Information section to help you make decisions on the modifications to inventory assignments.