Defining Outbound Inventory Agreement Master Information

Access the Outbound Inventory Agreement Master Revisions application.

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Outbound Inventory Agreement Master Revisions


Outbound Inventory Setup (G42I41), Outbound Agreement Master.

Click Add on the Work With Outbound Inventory Agreement Master form.

On the Outbound Inventory Agreement Master Revisions form, complete the following fields:

Agreement Number

Enter a unique number that identifies an outbound inventory agreement. You might want to assign some significance to the agreement number (for example, an agreement type code, location, year, and so forth).

Agreement Supplement

Enter a unique number to record changes to the agreement.

The supplement number records any changes or addendum to agreements that occur over time or by item. It can also indicate individual agreements that are tied to a master agreement. The system allows up to 999 different supplements per base agreement number.


Enter a name or description for the agreement.

Note: To add additional information about the agreement, use the Description 2 and Description 3 fields.

Enter a value that specifies the branch/plant the system uses for the agreement.

Agreement Date

Enter the actual date the agreement was signed. This may or may not be the same as the effective date.

Agreement Status

Enter a user-defined code that indicates the current status of the agreement.

Sold To

Enter a code that identifies the customer with whom the agreement is established.

Agreement Type

Enter a code that specifies the type of agreement used for Outbound Inventory Management. Values are:

C: Consigned Inventory agreement

V: Customer Owned VMI agreement

Effective Date

Enter the date when the agreement becomes effective.

Expiration Date

Enter the date when the agreement expires.

Cancellation Date

Enter the date when the agreement is canceled or closed.

Cancellation Reason

Enter a code that describes the reason for cancellation or closing of the agreement.

Note: When you want to cancel or close an outbound inventory agreement, you must complete both the Cancellation Date and Cancellation Reason fields.
Customer PO

Enter a number that identifies the customer's purchase order.

Action on Expiration

Enter a code that specifies the action taken when the agreement expires.

Values are:

  • B: Bill for remaining goods

  • R: Return remaining goods

  • E: Extend agreement

Agreement Manager

Enter the address book number of the agreement manager.

Price at Ambient/Standard/Weight (A,S,W)

Enter a code that specifies the price extension calculation method. Values are:

A: Unit price x delivered volume at ambient temperature

S: Unit price x delivered volume at standard temperature

W: Unit price x delivered weight

Note: This is a future use field. All functionality related to this field may not be currently available.
Customer Contact

Enter the name of the company or person to whom billing or correspondence is addressed.

Write Accommodations

Enter a code that indicates when the system updates the general ledger. Values are:

Y: The system updates journal entries as soon as the quantity moves into the operation.

N: The system does not update journal entries.

Note: This is a future use field. All functionality related to this field may not be currently available.
Associated Agreement

Enter the agreement number that identifies the existing agreement with which the current agreement is associated.

Your company can associate the terms of a new or renewal agreement with an existing agreement. You enter the agreement number of the existing agreement in the Associated Agreement field.

Parent Agreement

Enter a number that identifies the parent agreement for the current agreement.

You use the parent agreement and supplement numbers to define a relationship between two or more agreements.

Created From Agreement

Enter the agreement number that identifies a previous agreement related to the current agreement.

Closed To Agreement

Enter a number that identifies the agreement to which you are closing the current agreement.

Category Code 1

Enter a user defined code to group agreements that have similar attributes.