Defining Outbound Inventory Items and Quantities

Access the Outbound Inventory Agreement Details form.

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Outbound Inventory Agreement Details


Outbound Inventory Setup (G42I41), Outbound Agreement Master.

  • On the Work With Outbound Inventory Agreement Master form, click Add.

    On the Outbound Inventory Agreement Master Revisions form, click the Form button and select Agreement Detail.

  • On the Work With Outbound Inventory Agreement Master form, select an agreement, click the Row button and select Agreement Detail.

On the Outbound Inventory Agreement Detail form, complete the following fields:

Item Number

Enter a number that identifies the item that is included in the agreement.

Ship To

Enter the address book number of the customer to whom you want to ship the order.

Outbound Branch/Plant

Enter the branch/plant number that the system uses as the outbound inventory branch.

Note: To set up a branch/plant as an outbound inventory branch/plant, you must activate the Outbound Inventory Branch option through the Work With Branch/Plant Constants application.
Ship To Location

Enter the address book number of the location to which you want to ship the order.

Before entering the Ship To Location value, you must add the location to the outbound inventory branch/plant.

If you leave the Ship To Location field blank, the system displays a warning and uses the default location of the item specified in the Item Location File table (F41021) as the Ship To Location.

Agreement Quantity

Enter the total quantity for the agreement.

Agreement UOM

Enter the unit of measure for the agreement.

Unit Price

Enter the base price to be charged for one unit of this item.

Currency Code

Enter the currency code associated with the item for this agreement.

Effective Date

Enter the date when the agreement becomes effective.

Expiration Date

Enter the date when the agreement expires.

Note: The effective date and expiration date that you enter in the outbound inventory agreement detail information should be within the effective date and expiration date you mention in the outbound inventory agreement master information.
Minimum Quantity

Enter the minimum quantity allowed for the agreement at customer's location.

Maximum Quantity

Enter the maximum quantity allowed for the agreement at customer's location.

Target Inventory

Enter a value that identifies the quantity that you must maintain at the customer's location at a given time. Target inventory value is used for calculating replenishment quantity when the customer reports consumption.

Target inventory value is less than Maximum Quantity and more than Minimum Quantity.

Reorder Point

Enter the item quantity at which replenishment should occur.

Note: Reorder point should be less than Target Inventory and greater than Minimum Quantity.

Enter the unit of measure the system uses for replenishing inventory.

Replenishment Method

Enter a code that identifies the replenishment method the system uses. Values are:

F: Frequency schedule replenishment

O: One-to-one replenishment

R: Reorder point replenishment

Replenishment Frequency

Enter a value that identifies the replenishment frequency for the agreement.

Before you can complete this field, you must create a replenishment frequency using the Work With Outbound Inventory Frequency Schedule application (P42I14).

Frequency Start Date

Enter the date when the frequency schedule for replenishment becomes effective.

Frequency End Date

Enter the date when the system stops considering frequency schedule for replenishment.

Note: The system creates different records in the Outbound Inventory Frequency Schedule Details table (F42I141) for each frequency schedule created. For example, if you create a monthly frequency schedule with replenishment set to occur every first day of every month, and the start date is March 1, 2020 and the end date is December 2020, the system creates 10 different records in the Outbound Inventory Frequency Schedule Details table (F42I141) for each month.
Adj. Schedule

Enter a user defined code (40/AS) that identifies a price and adjustment schedule.

Agreement Manager

Enter the address book number of the agreement manager.

Agreement Coordinator

Enter the address book number of the agreement coordinator.

Audit Frequency

Enter a code that identifies the frequency of inventory auditing at customer's location.

D: Daily

W: Weekly

M: Monthly

Q: Quarterly

H: Half-yearly

Y: Yearly

Cycle Count Date

Enter the date when the last cycle count was completed.

Reason Code

Enter a code that identifies the reason for changing the agreement.

Allow Overshipping

Select the option to allow overshipping of item.

When you select the check-box, you can ship more than the agreement quantity.

Price Override Approval

Select the option to specify if approval is required for price override.

Unit Price Tolerance

Enter a value that represents the percent range (plus or minus) by which the user can override the unit price without an approval. If you leave this field blank or the price change is outside the tolerance range, the user requires approval to override the price.

Note: You can complete the Unit Tolerance Percentage field only if you select the Price Override Approval option.
Replenishment Qty Override Approval

Select this option to specify if approval is required for replenishment quantity override.

Replenishment Qty Tolerance

Enter a value that represents the percent range (plus or minus) by which the user can override the replenishment quantity without an approval. If you leave this field blank or the replenishment quantity change is outside the tolerance range, the user requires approval to override the replenishment quantity.

Note: You can complete the Replenishment Qty Tolerance field only if you select the Replenishment Qty Approval option.