Viewing Items in the Diagram

After you filter the bill of materials to locate the item you want to view, the system displays a card with the item you selected to view, and the items that use the selected item. Depending on the processing option setup, the card displays an image of the item you selected to view.

Note: The item that you searched for appears in a light red card.

The following list describes the actions that you can perform and the information that you can view in the Where Used Diagram program:

  • View cards in a larger size.

    If the item you selected to view is used in many subassemblies, you might need to view each card in a larger size to see the details. You can click the card and then click the Isolate icon at the top of the card to view the card in a larger size. When you isolate a card, only the card that you isolate appears on your screen. Click the Additional Links icon to view where the item is used. Click the Restore icon to return to the original card size..

  • Change the view size.

    The control panel has icons that enable you to zoom in, zoom out, and zoom to a size that fits the entire diagram on one page. When you hover over the diagram, you can use the scroll wheel on your computer mouse to increase and decrease the diagram size.

  • Move the diagram.

    When you hover over the diagram, you can hold down your left mouse button to move the diagram on the screen.