
These processing options control the information that appears on the Work With Costed Bill form.

1. Decimal Places (0-4) (Future)

Specify the number of decimal places that the system displays. Values are 0 through 4. If you leave this processing option blank, the system displays four decimals.

2. Totals

Specify whether the system displays the calculated totals or the standard totals. The calculated totals are the columnar totals. The standard totals are the unit costs from the Cost Components table multiplied by the requested quantity. Values are:

Blank: Display standard totals (default).

1: Display calculated totals.

3. Fixed Costs Based On

Specify whether the system bases fixed costs on the accounting cost quantity or on the requested quantity. Fixed costs based on accounting cost quantity will have the same fixed cost regardless of the requested quantity. Requested quantity displays the per unit cost multiplied by the requested quantity as if no fixed costs exist. Values are:

Blank: Base fixed costs on the accounting cost quantity (default).

1: Base fixed costs on the requested quantity.