
These processing options control how the batch program processes the data.

1. Single Level

Specify whether to simulate costs for a selected item or items, without recosting everything else in the bill of material. For example, you might have a new item that must be costed, but you do not want to recost all components. If you enter 1 and use data selection for the parent item, the program uses the costs of the lower-level components to roll up the cost for the new item, but does not recost the lower-level components themselves.

If you leave this processing option blank, the program does a complete rollup of all the components. Enter only the parent item numbers in the data selection.

If you are costing items in process manufacturing, leave the processing option blank and do a complete rollup to cost the ingredients. Values are:

Blank: Perform a complete rollup.

1: Perform a single-level rollup.

2. Clear and Recalculate

Specify how the program calculates routing-related B1 through C4 costs. Values are:

Blank: The program does not overwrite manually entered or previously simulated costs. The system uses the costs that already exist in the Simulated Cost Component Add-Ons table (F30026).

1: The program clears and recalculates labor and overhead for manufactured items. This is the most common option for this program.

2: The program clears and recalculates labor and overhead for all items. Use this option if you have purchased parts with routings and have to recalculate labor costs, for example, inspection steps.

3: The program clears labor and overhead for all items, but recalculates labor and overhead for manufactured items only. Use this option if a part changes from manufactured to purchased. This option ensures that labor and overhead are cleared for the changed items.

3. Cost Method

Specify the cost method to be used for retrieving costs for purchased items and outside operations.

a. Purchased Items

Specify the cost method to use as the input for the costs of purchased items. If you leave this processing option blank, the program does not retrieve costs from the Item Cost table (F4105). The system uses costs that already exist in the Simulated Cost Component Add-Ons table.

b. Outside Operation

Specify the cost method to use as the input for the purchase costs of outside operations. If you leave this processing option blank, the program does not retrieve costs from the Item Cost table (F4105).

Verify these steps before you run this program:

  • You have set up an item branch record for the *OP item, either manually or through the Order Processing program (R31410).

  • A valid cost exists in the Item Cost table for the method that you specify here.

See Outside Operation Cost Components.

4. Use Cache or Work File for Calculations

Specify the type of temporary storage mechanism that the system uses when the program is run. Values are:

Blank: The system uses cache (memory).

1: The system uses a temporary work table (database).

Note: The cache should be used for processing smaller data sets. A temporary work table should be used for processing large data sets to avoid exceeding memory constraints in the system.