Work Order Output from DRP/MPS/MRP

This table describes how the system uses document types, quantity types, and work order codes during the MRP generation process:

Document Type (Time Series)

Other Codes


Component Demand


Status = P (planned)

Planned orders. WP is a system-generated document type for orders without a header in the F4801 table. DRP/MPS/MRP automatically changes schedule dates and quantities each time that you run the program.


WO (+WO does not always equal +WOU in schedule dates or quantities)

Status = 10 (firm)

Firm orders. A work order header is in the F4801 table. DRP/MPS/MRP creates messages that require planner action to balance supply and demand. For component demand, the system assumes that the planner will take action.

-FWO/-FWOU. Message type A warns about parent supply/demand imbalances. -FWO does not always equal -FWOU in schedule dates or quantities.

WO (+WO does not always equal +WOU in schedule dates or quantities)

Status = 40 (firm)

Firm orders that have parts lists and routing instructions attached. DRP/MPS/MRP creates messages that require planner action to balance supply and demand. For component demand, the system assumes that the planner will take action.

-FWO/-FWOU. Message type A warns about parent supply/demand imbalances. -FWO does not always equal -FWOU in schedule dates or quantities.

WO (+WO does not always equal +WOU in schedule dates or quantities)

Status = 41 (firm planned order)

Firm orders with firm plans. These are orders that have been planned by a generation of DRP/MPS/MRP, specifying status 41 in the Ending Work Order Status processing option. DRP/MPS/MRP creates messages that require planner action to balance supply and demand. For component demand, the system assumes that the planner will not take action. The messages have FPO planner remarks.

-FWO/-FWOU. Message type S warns about supply/demand imbalances for FPO parent. -FWO always equals -FWOU in schedule dates or quantities.

WO (+WO equals +WOU in schedule dates or quantities)

Inside freeze fence (any status code)

All firm orders inside freeze fence. DRP/MPS/MRP does not display action messages inside the freeze fence. The program creates message type A warnings to indicate a supply and demand imbalance inside the freeze fence. The program generates an action message outside the freeze fence to correct the supply/demand imbalance.

-FWO/-FWOU. The program does not create change messages from the parent demand.

WO (+WO equals +WOU in schedule dates or quantities)

Freeze code on work order header (any status code)

Frozen firm orders. DRP/MPS/MRP does not create action messages for these work orders. The program creates message type A and F warnings. The program creates messages for new orders to satisfy supply/demand imbalances.

-FWO/-FWOU. The program does not create change messages from the parent demand.