
These processing options control whether you are able to attach a parts list to a prior revision level of the bill of material and whether you can select components for the parts list.

1. Parts List at Prior Revision Levels

Specify whether the program uses the current revision level to build the parts list. Values are:

Blank: Do not allow.

1: Allow.

If you select 1, the system uses the current revision level to build the parts list. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the revision level that is effective on the start date of the work order.

2. Select Components for Parts List

Specify whether the system enables you to select components to be included on the parts list when you copy a work order. If you leave this processing option blank, the system disables the Row menu and includes all components on the parts list. Values are:

Blank: Include all components on the parts list.

1: Allow the ability to select specific components to be included on the parts list.

3. Enter Allowed Lot Status Group to validate

Enter a lot group name that the system uses to verify the lot status code against when processing lots. Lot group name is a user-defined list of allowed non-blank lot status codes.