Audit Log

These processing options determine whether the system creates an audit log for changes that you make to sales orders and how the system processes the changes.

1. Use Audit Log for Sales Order Changes

Specify whether to activate the audit logging process for sales order changes. Values are:

Blank: Do not activate audit logging.

1: Activate audit logging.

Note: You can override this processing option by using the Bypass Audit Logging field defined in the Customer Billing Instructions form. For example, if you set this processing option to 1 but Bypass Audit Logging was set for the customer who is specified in the sales order, then the system performs no audit logging for that order or any order for which that customer is specified.
2. Reason Code required for Sales Order Changes

Specify whether to require a revision reason code for sales order changes. Values are:

Blank: Do not require a revision reason code.

1: Require a revision reason code.

3. Approval process required for Sales Order changes

Specify whether the approval process is required on the changes that are made to the sales order.

The Use Audit Log for Sales Order Changes processing option on the Audit Log tab must be set to 1 to enable the approval process. However, you can enable audit logging without setting the Approval Process Required for Sales Order Changes processing option.

When approval process is required, the system does not record changes to the order. Instead, the system retains the original values and places the order on hold. The new values are pending in the Audit Log Transaction table (F42420) until an approval or rejection decision has been made. The new values are recorded for the order only if the order is approved. Values are:

Blank: Approval process is not required.

1: Approval process is required.