Cost/Price Update

Use these processing options to specify how the system processes cost and the version of the cost program to use.

1. Update Cost

Specify whether the system updates costs, price, or the exchange rate for the item before printing an invoice. The system updates all selected sales orders with current costs, exchange rates, and prices. To ensure that the system accurately calculates the profit margins, you can run a sales cost update. Run this update if the purchasing or manufacturing costs change frequently, or if orders have been in the system for an extended period before being updated. Values are:

Blank: Do not update costs for the item before printing an invoice.

1: Update costs with the Sales Order Batch Price/Cost Update program (R42950) before printing an invoice.

Note: Costs can be updated only if inventory has not been relieved.
2. Sales Price/Cost Update Version (R42950)

Enter the version of the Sales Order Batch Price/Cost Update program (R42950) that the system uses to update costs before printing invoices. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

For interbranch orders, you must set the processing options in this program to update the price information, and specify the exchange rate for the branch/plants that are involved in the transaction.