Entering Information for Shipment, Packaging, and UCC 128 Shipments

Access the Shipment Revisions form.

Shipment Depot

Displays the origin depot for a shipment or a load.

Number of Pieces

Enter the number of pieces, pallets, containers, and so on that constitute a shipment.

For shipments that do not have piece information defined in the Shipment Pieces table (F4943), the system calculates the estimated piece count by converting the quantity in the transaction unit of measure to the shipping unit of measure.

To obtain the whole piece number, the system rounds the unit of measure down.

The weight and volume of the remaining quantities from all detail lines are added and the sum total is divided by the maximum piece weight and volume.

The system rounds the resulting piece weight or volume up to the next whole number. This number is added to the whole piece number to obtain the piece count.

Promised Ship

Enter the promised shipment date for a sales order. This date represents the day that the item can be shipped from the warehouse.

Promised Delivery

Enter the date on which an item is delivered to the customer.

Freight Handling Code

Indicate in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Transportation Management who has responsibility for freight charges by these values in the first position:

Enter 1 in the first position of the handling code. A value of 1 indicates that the freight charges are collected and the consignee is responsible for paying the freight charges. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Transportation Management does not calculate collect freight charges for outbound shipments.

Enter 2 in the first position of the handling code. A value of 2 indicates that the freight charges are prepaid and the shipper is responsible for paying the freight charges. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Transportation Management calculates the payable freight charges for outbound shipments, but does not calculate billable freight charges.

Any other code in the first position of the handling code indicates that freight charges are prepaid and the shipper is responsible for paying the freight charges. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Transportation Management calculates both billable and payable freight charges.

Bulk/Packed Flag

Specify whether the vehicle can transport bulk liquid product or packaged products. If it is a bulk vehicle, temperature and density/gravity conversions must be performed. Therefore, you must record product movements using screens that are designed specifically for bulk products. Edits are performed by transportation screens to ensure that the appropriate products are being processed. Values are:

P: Packaged Item (Product).

B: Bulk Liquid Item (Product).