Manual Shipment Consolidation

These processing options specify the values for manual shipment consolidation.

1. Shipment Status for Order Line Selection

Specify when order lines cannot be moved from an existing shipment to a new shipment because of the shipment status. Order lines on shipments that have a status at or beyond the processing option value cannot be moved to a new shipment. Values are chosen from the Shipment Status (41/SS) UDCs.

Leave this processing option blank to use the Confirmed Shipment Status from the Transportation Constants program (P49002).

2. Sales Order Next Status for Order Line Selection

Use this processing option with the Shipment Status for Order Line Selection processing option to indicate when an order line cannot be moved from an existing shipment to a new shipment because of the sales order next status. Order lines with a next status at or beyond the processing option value cannot be moved to a new shipment. If the processing option status exceeds the next status of sales order lines on confirmed shipments, the order lines are not available for selection. Values for this processing option are defined in the Activity/Status Code (40/AT) UDCs. A blank value indicates that selection availability is determined by the Shipment Status for Order Line Selection processing option.

3. Enable Creation of Manual Shipments Eligible for Manual Shipment Consolidation

Specify whether to enable the creation of manual shipments that are eligible for shipment consolidation. Values are:

Blank: Do not enable the creation of manual shipments.

1: Enable the creation of manual shipments.