Price Process

These processing options specify whether the system updates the price on a sales order, defines the effective date used to update prices, and retains the sales order price effective date.

1. Price

Specify whether the system updates the price on a sales order. You can update a price change to the original sales order line, or display it as a separate line by completing the Update Price Change To New Line processing option on the Display/Calculation tab. Values are:

Blank: Do not update the price.

1: Update the price.

2. Price Effective Date

Enter the date from the sales order that the system uses to update prices. Values are:

Blank: Transaction Date

1: Requested Ship Date

2: Promised Ship Date

3: Original Promised Date

4: Actual Ship Date

5: System Date

6: Invoice Date

*: System Constant

3. Retain Sales Order Price Effective Date

Specify whether the system retains the sales order's override price effective date or price effective date from the preference. Values are:

Blank: Use the Pricing Effective Date processing option to determine the price effective date.

1: Retain the price effective date on the sales order if the date was manually overridden by the user, or if the price effective date was determined through the sales price based on the date preference.