Reviewing Commission Accruals

Access the Commission Accruals Lookup form.

Salesprsn Code (salesperson code)

Enter the standard for commission calculations, which requires a maximum of two salespersons and respective commission rates for each order line.

To create a commission liability for more than two salespersons, you can relate individuals or entities (for royalties) to a single order line. To do so, set up a sales/commission/salesperson code that represents not one but many salespersons in the related salesperson file. The system inserts this code in the billing instructions record for any customer or during sales order entry to create multiple commission records at the appropriate point in the order processing cycle (one record for each related salesperson).

Commission Percentage

Review the percentage of an order sales amount payable to the salesperson.

Flat Commission Amount

Review this value, which specifies a commission amount. If a value is in this field, the employee received a flat commission amount instead of a commission percentage. The per-unit amount must be supplied to calculate commission amounts against the invoice, gross margin, or cost.

Per Unit Amount

Review the monetary amount per unit of the item.

Comm Code Type (commission code type)

Review this field to determine whether the system calculated commission using invoice amount or gross margin. No matter which item the system uses, you should consider an amount as the starting point in the commission calculation and apply loading factors, fixed costs, minimum margins, and so on.

Commission Amount

Review the value in this field. The system computes this monetary amount as a potential commission liability.

Based upon the sales amount at the order or line level, this amount might be the result of cost of sales, overhead load factor, minimum gross margin, and so on.

See Setting Up Commission Information.

Order Total

Review the cost of sales amount. The system subtracts this amount from the order sales amount to calculate the gross profit amount for this order.

Total Comm Amount (total commission amount)

Review the monetary amount computed by the system. This is a potential commission liability.

Based upon the sales amount at the order or line level, this amount might be the result of cost of sales, overhead load factor, minimum gross margin, and so on.

See Setting Up Commission Information.