Reviewing Commission Information

Access the Sales Order Header Commission Lookup form or the Sales Order Detail Commission Lookup form.

Total S/O (total sales order)

Review the total monetary value of the extended list prices for the items on this order, less any applicable discounts.

Line Total

Review the total monetary value of the extended list price for the item on this line, less any applicable discounts.

Flat Commission Amount

Review the value in this field to determine whether the employee receives a flat commission amount instead of a commission percentage. The per-unit amount must be supplies to calculate commission amounts against the invoice, gross margin, or cost.

Per Unit Amount

Review the monetary amount per unit of the item.

Comm Code Type (commission code type)

Review this field to determine whether the system calculated commission using invoice amount or gross margin. No matter which item the system uses, you should consider an amount as the starting point in the commission calculation and apply loading factors, fixed costs, minimum margins, and so on.