Taxed Prices

See Tax Price

If you use taxed prices and access the Return Material Authorization Revisions program, the system displays the Use Taxed Prices for Sales Orders check box on the Return Material Authorization Revisions form.

Review the following considerations if you enter a credit order from history:

  • The system uses the value of the Use Taxed Prices check box of the first order selected from the Sales Ledger program to determine if the credit order uses taxed prices.

  • If you enter a sold to or ship to customer, the system specifies a default value in the Use Taxed Prices check box based on the setup in the system constants.

  • The system uses the internal tax date from the original order, when both sales orders use taxed prices.

  • If you enter a credit order from history that has taxed prices but the original order does not have taxed prices, the system reviews a processing option in the Sales Ledger program that specifies if the system uses the invoice date from the original sales order on the new sales order. If the processing option is set to use the invoice date, the system assigns the internal tax date from the invoice date of the original sales order. If the processing option is not set to use the invoice date, the system uses the date from advanced preferences or the requested date.

You can specify whether the system uses the original price for the new taxed unit price on the sales order.