Taxed Prices

See Tax Information

If you use taxed prices and access the Sales Order Batch Price/Cost Update program (R42950), the system performs different tasks based on the setting in the Price processing option. If the system updates the sales order price, it also updates the tax and taxed price. If the system does not update the sales order price, then it does not update the tax and taxed price.

If you use taxed prices and set the Sales Order Batch Price/Cost Update program to update prices for sales orders with taxed prices (including exchange rate update and currency update), the system performs the following actions:

  • If you do not override the values in the Taxed Unit Price and the Taxed Extended Price fields, the system recalculates and updates the tax amounts and taxed prices based on the non-taxed prices using the current internal tax date from the sales order.

  • If you override the values in the Taxed Unit Price and the Taxed Extended Price fields on a sales order, the system retains the overridden domestic taxed prices and recalculate the domestic tax amounts and the domestic non-taxed prices based on the overridden taxed prices using the current internal tax date on the sales order. The system applies advanced pricing adjustments that do not affect the unit price, such as rebate adjustments.

  • If you override the values in the Foreign Taxed Unit Price and the Foreign Taxed Extended Price fields on a sales order, the system retains the overridden foreign taxed prices and recalculates the foreign tax amounts and the foreign non-taxed prices based on the overridden taxed prices using the current internal tax date from the sales order. The system also recalculates the domestic taxed prices, domestic non-taxed prices, and domestic tax amounts based on the foreign values. The system applies advanced pricing adjustments that do not affect the unit price, such as rebate adjustments.

  • The setting of the Update Price Change To New Line processing option specifies the line type of the new line with the price difference. The setting of the Taxable Y/N check box in the line being processed is passed to the new line with the price difference and this value overrides whether the line type is taxable.

    Therefore, either both lines on the sales order are taxable or not taxable.

  • The system modifies the header section of the report to display the new and old taxed unit price values and taxed extended price for sales orders that have taxed prices.

If you set the program to update prices for sales orders not using taxed prices or to update only non-price fields on sales orders, the Sales Order Batch Price/Cost Update program processes normally.