Understanding Customer Price Updates

You update prices for a customer to recalculate sales orders based on the most current price or price adjustment. You might do this for items with volatile prices. You can also use this process to update the unit and extended costs of items on sales orders with the most current costs. If multicurrency processing is activated in the system, the system also updates the Foreign Unit and Extended Costs fields.

This table describes the tasks that use the Sales Order Batch Price/Cost Update program to:



Update sales order costs.

The system replaces the unit and extended costs in any open, unshipped orders with current costs from the Item Cost File table (F4105).

Update sales order prices.

The system recalculates the unit and extended prices in the Sales Order Detail File table (F4211) by using the most current base price and price adjustments. The system bases this recalculation on the date that you enter in the processing options.

Replace sales order exchange rates.

You can use this program to update the currency exchange rate that the system uses to calculate costs and prices on an order. The system replaces the currency exchange rate that was in effect at the time you entered the order with the existing currency exchange rate.

You can set the processing options for the Sales Order Batch Price/Cost Update program to define which date on the sales order the system uses to determine whether it should recalculate costs or prices. For example, you can base the recalculations on the promised date. Sales order prices can be updated more than once.

When you run the Sales Order Batch Price/Cost Update program, the system updates the order detail information for open sales orders. The system can either replace the current price in the order detail line with the new price or the system can add a nonstock line for the difference between the current price and the new price. You must specify a nonstock line type in the processing options for the system to add a line. If you do not specify a line type, the system overrides the original price with the new price.

After you run the Sales Order Batch Price/Cost Update program, you can review the report, which details the changes to the original unit price and extended price on each sales order.

Note: You can set the processing options on the Sales Update program (R42800) or the Print Invoices program (R42565) to run the Sales Order Batch Price/Cost program before creating general ledger (GL) records. The system updates all selected sales orders with current costs (if orders have not been shipped), exchange rates, and prices before it creates general ledger records.