Taxed Prices in the Recurring Orders Edited Creation Report (R40211Z)

If you use taxed prices and access the Recurring Orders Edited Creation report (R40211Z), the system edits the information from the Recurring Order Header Tax (F4001ZTX) and Recurring Order Detail Tax (F4011ZTX) tables and updates the records in the Sales Order Header Tax (F4201TX) and Sales Order Detail Tax (F4211TX) tables. The system retrieves the value in the Use Taxed Prices check box from the F4001ZTX table. If the Enter "1" to override prices processing option is set to 1 in the Recurring Orders Edited Creation report and the recurring order has taxed prices, the system retrieves taxes prices from the F4001ZTX table. Otherwise, the system retrieves prices from the Item Base Price table (F4106).

If you use taxed prices, the system displays taxed prices on the report and includes a message that indicates that the prices include taxes.

Note: You can run the Recurring Orders Edited Creation report to process two types of orders; recurring orders and pending mobile sales orders, based on the setting in the Orders to Process processing option. The system supports taxed prices for recurring orders only.