Understanding Customer Segment Based Selling

Customer segment based selling is a technique that enables you to group customers into buying segments based on the customers' buying habits. Buying segments are UDCs (42B/BS) that represent groups of similar products, and you assign buying segment codes to the customers. By grouping customers who buy similar products into buying segments, you can potentially increase sales by suggesting items during sales order entry that other customers in the same segment have purchased.

To ensure that you can review the latest information for buying segments, you can run the Update Buying Segment Codes program (R42442), which updates the buying segment code for existing sales orders.

To ensure that you can review the latest purchases that customers in a buying segment have made, you can run the Build Customer Segment Items program (R42441). This program ensures that the Customer Segment Items table (F42440) contains updated sales data for buying segments, such as item number and quantity.