Updating Order Templates During Order Guide Processing

On some occasions, sales representatives are made aware of changing customer situations during the order process. These situations might require the sales representative to delete existing order templates, or add new items to existing templates. To update oder templates during order guide processing:

  1. Access the Select Items Via Order Guides form.

  2. To modify order templates, click the Order Templates button. You can then update the templates using the standard order template revision process. Click OK to return to the previous form.

  3. To delete an existing template, click the Delete button next to the template name. Note that this deletes the template completely, and does not delete it only from the existing sales order record.

  4. To add a new item to a template, enter search text in the Item Search field in the Applicable Items section of the form. The system opens the Search by Keyword form. Note that the list view "Basic" is available for use on this form.

  5. Search for and select the item you want to add, and then click OK.

  6. The system returns one of these messages, depending on whether the item currently exists on any of the related templates:

    • The selected item does not exist on this customer order guide. Do you want to add this item to the order guide?

    • The selected item exists on another order guide for this customer. Do you wish to combine order guides to locate the item?

    • Click Yes to update the templates.