
These processing options specify default values, such as the load type, that appear in various forms that are associated with the Work With Loads program (P4960).

You can override default values that appear on the forms. If information is hidden or inaccessible, the system processes loads based on the default information that you set up in these processing options or in the master tables.

1. Planning Depot

Specify the depot from which a load originates.

A branch/plant must be set up as a depot in the Transportation Constants program (P49002) before the branch/plant can be used as a valid value. This is a default value. Values are all branch/plants that are set up as depots in the Transportation Constants program.

2. Shipment Date

Specify the date that is used for the shipment. This is the default value for the scheduled through date.

3. Mode of Transport

Specify the mode of transport, such as rail or road, for the carrier that is responsible for transporting customer goods.

This is a default value. Values are defined in UDC 00/TM (Mode of Transport).

4. From Load Status

Specify the default value for the from load status. Values are defined in UDC 49/SL (Load Status).

5. To Load Status

Specify the default value for the to load status. Values are defined in UDC 49/SL (Load Status).

6. Shift Code

Specify the default shift code. The shift code specifies the personnel who are working a specific block of time who are responsible for shipping a load. Loads with the same ship date can have different shifts.

Values are defined in UDC 06/SH (Shift Codes).

7. Disposition Code for Load Create

Indicate the default action for the quantity of product remaining on an order that is not placed on a shipment or load. Values are defined in UDC 49/DH (Disposition Code) and include:

B: Backorder

C: Cancel

K: Cancel remaining, including backorder

S: Leave amount shippable

8. Load Type

Specify the default load type code. The load type code controls how the system builds and confirms a load. Values are defined load types in the Load Type Constants table, which is set up in the Work With Load Types program (P49003).

9. Distance Unit of Measure for Stop Sequence Form

Specify the unit of measure for the distance that the load travels. Values are:

Mi: Miles

Km: Kilometers