Load Approval

You must approve loads before shipping them to customers. When you approve a load, the system advances the shipments and order lines to the next status. When a load is approved, it has a protected status. You cannot make changes to an approved, protected load. If necessary, you can change the status of an approved load to a status of pending by unapproving the load.

Depending on how you build loads, these conditions apply:

Type of Load


Valid routings

All assigned routings must be valid and set up.

Compartmentalized loads

If the load is compartmentalized, all of the compartments on the load must be assigned before the load can be approved.

Pooled loads or intermediate destinations

If you specify an intermediate destination for a load, then the system creates an additional routing step for each shipment on the load.

Warehouse management

If you use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse Management system, you can generate a warehouse request when you approve a load. If you change the status back to pending and then reapprove the load, the system does not regenerate the warehouse request.