Load Review

When you review loads, you can modify the stop sequence and add information for a load, such as vehicle registration and compartments that are required for a load. You access these details from the Load Detail - Shipments form. By defining specific information, you can tailor loads to best fit the business needs.

When reviewing loads, you can also determine the payable freight charges. This occurs on the Work With Routing Options form much like quoting freight for a shipment. A list of available carriers for a load is displayed along with the associated costs that are associated with each carrier.

If you have set up the self-service mode, suppliers who provide delivery services can review loads. By using this self-service mode, you can keep suppliers informed about pending and approved loads. Greater communication enables you and suppliers a better working relationship. Outbound Carrier Load in Supplier Self-Service mode enables you to view loads from the web. After you enable Outbound Carrier Load through processing options, suppliers can make inquiries on loads that are assigned to them in the system. Suppliers or carriers cannot revise load information, but are allowed to view where their loads are in the transportation process.