Alternate Replenishment Suggestions

You can create replenishment suggestions with the Location Selection Driver program's version for resuggestions, which you use to replace existing suggestions with which you do not agree. You access this version through the processing options for the Location Selection Driver program.

Creating alternate suggestions replaces any previous location suggestions. With alternate suggestions, you can access new inventory locations that you might have added since you created the first suggestions or locations with new available inventory.

Important: To create alternate replenishment suggestions, you must cancel the original replenishment suggestions manually. The Location Selection Driver program does not cancel existing suggestions.

If you have not changed inventory locations or levels in the warehouse, and you want to create suggestions for locations that are different from previously suggested locations, you must change values you entered when you set up the system. For example, you could change the replenishment instructions table to select a new replenishment zone or to use a different tiebreaker rule to select locations. If you do not change the replenishment instructions or values in other programs when you set up the system, such as process selection or fixed replenishment zones, the system suggests the same locations as in the previous suggestions.