Tasks and Trips

After you have created suggestions for putaway, picking, or replenishment, you can create task/trip assignments (if you have not done so when creating suggestions), and create customized move documents to help warehouse personnel efficiently move inventory through the warehouse.

The system can assign task and trip numbers to suggestions when you create and process suggestions. A task is a group of suggestions, and a trip is each suggestion in the task.

If the system did not assign task and trip numbers to suggestions when you created and processed suggestions, you can run a batch process for task and trip number assignment.

When you run the Task and Trip Creation program (R46471), it is important to set the data sequencing so that you can verify the information that the system uses to assign task and trip numbers.

When you run the Task and Trip Creation program, you can specify this type of information using the processing options:

  • Maximum quantity information, such as the maximum number of tasks and trips (by leaving the default value of blank or zero, you can specify an unlimited number of tasks and trips) on the Task Control tab.

  • Whether you want the system to print the supporting documents when you run the Move Slips program (R46472) with the task and trip assignments on the Print tab.

  • Whether you want the system to recommend cartons during picking on the Process tab.

  • Whether the system generates the Carton Detail Information table (F4620), which contains detailed information about the contents of each carton during picking on the Process tab.

  • Which version of the Carton Reorganization program (P4620) the system uses if selecting to generate Carton Detail Information during picking on the Process tab.

After you run the Task and Trip Creation program, you can print supporting documents to review task and trip assignments.