Cartonization and Carton Reorganization

When you use this process you can:

  • Reorganize cartons and items for the shipment.

  • Pack items in a carton or tote.

  • Mix different items in a carton or permit only one item per carton to support shipping items stored in the warehouse in shippable containers.

  • Add weight restrictions to warehouse cartonization

  • Create dimensionless (generic) cartons.

When you use the cartonization process, the systems considers all available shipping containers and utilizes the maximum capacity of each container. The system recommends the shipping container and items to pack in the shipping container. After you enter a sales order and the shipment is approved, the system creates move slips recommending the container and items in each container for each order. You can use the Carton Detail Inquiry (P4621) program to locate a particular order or shipment and display all the details for each individual container.

The Carton Detail Information (F4620) table, uses data from the Warehouse Suggestions (F4611), SO Pack Confirm Detail (F4216), Shipment Pieces (F4943), and Shipment Reference Numbers (F4217) tables.

You use the Carton Reorganization (P4620) program to move items into existing or new cartons, combine items into one carton, combine cartons on a pallet, or remove items from a carton. If you have enabled UCC 128 processing, you can manually enter UCC-128 information or have the system enter it for you.

When you set up dimensionless containers, cartons, containers, and totes do not have to be defined with dimensional information if they do not attribute to the space availability calculation for a warehouse location. The dimensionless carton automatically have the dimensions of the item UOM you set up in the Item Unit Of Measure Definition (P46011) program. You can use the same carton for different items and different UOMs using the item UOM dimensions. When the system uses a dimensionless carton, the carton information is not stored in the Container field in the Warehouse Suggestions (F4611) table and it does not display on the Move Slips (R46472). You access the carton information on the Carton Detail Inquiry (P4621) program. The carton is available for reorganization using the Carton Reorganization program after the suggestion has been confirmed in the Warehouse Movement Confirmations (P4617) program.