Shipment Pieces

The system can automatically generates shipment pieces through the Carton Reorganization program based on the carton details in the Carton Detail Information (F4620) table. Carton Reorganization updates the Container ID in the Shipment Pieces (F4943) record if the processing option is set to update. You must enter 1 in the Create Transportation Shipping Pieces table (F4943) processing option in the Carton Reorganization program.

The number of shipment pieces is contained in the total number of shipment pieces record for that shipment. A shipment piece is the largest shipping unit. If the F4620 contains several carton details and during the carton reorganization process the system places all of the containers on a pallet, then the pallet is one shipment piece. Therefore, the system creates only one record in the Shipment Pieces (F4943) table.