Tracking Number

The system can automatically generate shipment tracking numbers. You issue the shipment tracking number to the customer and this enables them to track the progress of the shipment. Since there are a wide variety of tracking numbers used in the transportation industry, you have the ability to control the type and structure of the tracking number that the system generates. You must enter 1 in the Create Shipment Tracking Numbers (F4217)and Create Transportation Shipping Pieces table (F4943) processing options in the Carton Reorganization program. You must also set up the individual tracking number generation specifications for each carrier and mode of transportation. The Work With Generating Tracking Numbers (P49005) program enables you to enter specifications for each individual segment of the tracking number the system generates. A tracking number can consist of one or many segments. When you run the Carton Reorganization program, the reference number and the qualifier are updated in the Shipment Reference Numbers (F4217) records. The reference qualifier is a value from the 41/X6 UDC table that describes the type of reference number (B/L, AWB, Shipping Label). The shipment tracking number appears in the Reference Number field on the Shipment Pieces Revision form.

See "Setting Up Shipment Tracking Numbers" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Transportation Management Implementation Guide.