Forms Used to Manage License Plate Information

Form Name

Form ID



Assign/Remove Items To License Plate


License Plate Daily Processing (G46L10), Assign/Remove Items to License Plate

Enter values in any of the fields and click Find on Assign/Remove Items to LP - Search Item Location.

Select Create New LP or Use Existing LP.

Select a row and click Build on Assign/Remove Items to License Plate.

Select an item, enter a value in the Quantity field an click Add.

Click Remove to remove an item and a quantity from a license place.

Assign items to a new or existing license plate.

Remove items from an existing license plate.

Select the LPN Item tab to review item information for existing License Plates or the item changes made to the license plates.

Assign/Remove Child LPN From LPN


License Plate Daily Processing (G46L10), Assign/Remove Child License Plate

Click Find on Assign/Remove Child LPN - Search LP Information.

Select records and click Add.

Select records and click Remove.

Select the Child License Plate Number tab to review the child license plate record for existing Parent License Plates or the License Plate changes made to the parent license plate.

Select the Parent License Plate Information tab to revise parent License Plate information.

Assign or remove license plates to/from parent license plates.

License Plate Cross-Reference


License Plate Daily Processing (G46L10), License Plate Cross Reference

Click Find on License Plate Cross-Reference.

Select records and click Add.

Select records and click Remove.

Add license plate cross-references.

Inquire on license plate cross-reference numbers.

License Plate Workbench – View License Plate Information


License Plate Daily Processing (G46L10), License Plate Workbench

Click Find on License Plate Workbench – View License Plate Information.

Manage license plate inventory.

Perform license plate transfers and issues.

Review or edit license plate master information.

License Plate Workbench – View License Plate Hierarchy


Select a record and select LP Hierarchy from the Row menu on License Plate Workbench – View License Plate Information.

Review hierarchical license plate structures of containers and items.

Media Object Viewer (Release 9.2 Update) N/A Select a record and select Attachments from the Row menu on License Plate Workbench - View License Plate Information. Manage license plate attachments.

Add, view, and delete the text, file, URL, and template attachments to license plates.

License Plate History – View History


License Plate Daily Processing (G46L10), License Plate History

Click Find on License Plate History – View History.

Review license plate transaction history.

Location Capacity Workbench - Edit Location Capacity


License Plate Daily Processing (G46L10), Location Capacity Workbench.

Select a record on Location Capacity Workbench – Inquiry.

Revising used or reserved volume and weight information.