Understanding License Plate Attachments (Release 9.2 Update)

The Warehouse Management system enables you to view, add, modify, and delete attachments to license plates.

You can attach one or more text, file, image, URL, and template attachments to the parent and child license plates.

The system enables you to view, add, modify, and delete license plate attachments using these programs:

  • License Plate Workbench (P46L10)

  • Assign/Remove Items to License Plates (P46L30)

  • Add/Remove Child License Plate (P46L31)

The License Plate History (P46L99) program enables you to track the license plate attachments history of P46L10, P46L30, and P46L31 programs.

License plate attachments can also be viewed using the License Plate Cross Reference (P46L20) program.