Additional Properties and Category Codes

Additional properties and category codes capture user-defined information for a purchase order. At the time a purchase order is created, you manually enter values for fields on the Additional Properties and Category Codes tabs of the Order Header form or the Order Detail form.

The Additional Properties tab includes multiple user-defined fields that:

  • Vary in size and format.

  • Work with or without table validation.

  • Are optional or required.

Note: If you enter values in the user-defined fields on the Additional Properties and Category Codes tabs on the Order Header form, then the fields on these tabs are display-only on the Order Detail form.

To access the user-defined fields, you must enable the Display Additional Properties Tab and Display Category Codes on Header Tab and Detail Grid processing options on the Display tab of the P4310 program.

You can also set the Address Book Field Required processing option to specify whether the Address Book 01 and Address Book 02 fields on the Additional Properties tab are required. This processing option is used with the Display Additional Properties Tab processing option on the Display tab of the P4310 program. If the Address Book fields are required, then the Display Additional Properties Tab processing option must be enabled.

The user-defined field values from the Additional Properties and Category Codes tabs are stored in the Purchase Order Header table (F4301). The user-defined fields are not stored in the Purchase Order Receiver File table (F43121).

The Category Code 01 through Category Code 04 fields appear in the detail grid of the form. These fields are independent from the category codes on the Order Header form. The values in the fields on the Order Header form do not populate the fields on the Order Detail form. The user-defined field values are stored in the Purchase Order Detail File table (F4311).

Note: Purchase orders created directly in P4310 provide access to the user-defined fields on the Additional Properties and Category Codes tabs on the Order Header or Order Detail form. Purchase orders not created directly in P4310, such as transfer orders, direct ship orders, and order generation programs, do not provide access to the user-defined fields. Once the purchase order is generated, you can then access the order in P4310 to enter values in the user-defined fields.
Note: Purchase orders created through sourcing using the Analyze Event program (P43Q50), through supplier self-service using the SRM - PO Acknowledgement program (P43S01), or through EDI using the EDI Inbound P.O. Acknowledgment program (R47021) do not handle the user-defined fields. Additionally, sourcing does not handle service unit fields.

You can also set the Display Location and Lot fields for a Job or Project processing option on the Display tab of the P4310 program. Setting this processing option displays the Location and Lot fields in the grid for a job or project. This processing option is used with the Jargon and Header Business Unit processing option on the Display tab. If the Jargon and Header Business Unit processing option is set to a value of 1 or 2, then this processing option is used. If the Jargon and Header Business Unit processing option is set to any value other than 1 or 2, then this processing option is not used.

See Entering Order Header Information.