Calculate Last Chance Variance for Foreign Currency Transactions

For transactions in a foreign currency, the VMA process calculates the conversion to domestic- currency amounts and performs tolerance validations on the domestic-currency amounts. The process uses the tolerance and rounding rules that you set up for automation rules 02, 03, and 05. Even though the process applies the tolerance validations to domestic-currency amounts, the foreign-currency amounts of the logged voucher and the receipt must match exactly. If the foreign amounts do not match exactly, then the process does not match the records except when the records meet these criteria:

  • The Calculate Last Chance Variance processing option is blank (off).

  • The automation rule used for the record is 02 or 03.

  • The foreign-currency amounts for the voucher and receipt do not match exactly and the domestic-currency amounts do match exactly.

For matched records that meet the criteria described in this section, you must manually enter a record in the Account Ledger table (F0911) to balance the records. After you enter the account ledger record, you can post the batch.

Note: You can avoid the necessity of entering a manual record by always running the VMA process for logged vouchers with the Calculate Last Chance Variance processing option set to 1 (on). If you run the process with the Calculate Last Chance Variance processing option on, the VMA process does not match voucher and receipt records in batches that you cannot post.