Setting Processing Options for Batch Voucher Processor Report (R04110ZA)

When you set the Create Logged Voucher processing option in the Voucher Match Automation Driver program to 1, the voucher match automation process runs the Batch Voucher Processor Report program to generate logged voucher records. The voucher match automation process uses most of the processing options from the Batch Voucher Processor Report program.

This table lists the processing options that the voucher match automation process does not use, or uses differently from when you run the Batch Voucher Processor Report program outside of the voucher match automation process.


Processing Option



Enter a '1' to process the batch information in Final mode.

You enter 1 to cause the Batch Voucher Processor Report program to create logged voucher records in the F0411 and F0911 tables. If you enter 1, the process will always generate the logged voucher records for valid F0411Z1 records.

The Voucher Match Automation UBE programs (R4304016, R4304020, and R4304021) also have a processing option in which you specify whether to run the process in proof, final, or suggest mode. These processing options determine whether the system matches the logged vouchers to receipts.

You can set the Mode processing options differently in the voucher matching and Batch Voucher Processor Report programs to generate different sets of records.

See Understanding Proof, Final and Suggest Modes


Enter a '1' to automatically purge processed transactions from the batch file.

The voucher match automation process ignores the value in this processing option. Instead, the process uses the Purge Processed Records processing option in the Voucher Match Automation UBE programs to determine whether to purge records.

See Purging Matched VMA Records From the F0411Z1and F0411Z1T Tables