
These processing options enable you to have the system display amounts in a currency other than the currency in which the amounts are stored on the system. These processing options enable you to view amounts in a different currency as a hypothetical scenario only; the amounts that appear in the different currency are not saved to the system when you exit the Standard Voucher Entry program.

1. As If Currency

Specify a currency in which to view domestic or foreign amounts when in a currency other than the currency in which the amounts were originally entered. Specify the currency code in which to view the as if currency. For example, to view domestic or foreign U.S. dollar amounts in the euro, specify EUR.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not display the As If Currency Code field in the header, nor does it display the As If Amount and As If Open Amount columns in the detail area.

As if currency amounts are stored in a temporary memory, and are not written to a table.

2. As Of Date

Specify an as of date for the As If Currency processing option. The system uses this date to retrieve the exchange rate from the F0015 table.

If you specify a currency code in the As If Currency processing option and leave this processing option blank, the system uses the system date.

A valid exchange rate between the domestic or foreign currency and the as if currency must exist in the F0015 table, based on the as of date.