
1. Pay Status

Use this processing option to specify the pay status that the system uses to select logged voucher records from the Accounts Payable Ledger table (F0411). The system uses the pay status specified here to select logged voucher records that were generated using the voucher match automation (VMA) process. Logged vouchers that were generated outside of the VMA process are not eligible for automated matching to receipts and purchase orders. Values are:

A: Approved for payment

P: Paid in full

#: Payment in process

If you leave this processing option blank, the system selects records with pay statuses of A, P and #.

2. Purge Processed Records

Use this processing option to specify whether to purge the successfully processed invoices (process type = 4) from the Voucher Transactions - Batch Upload table (F0411Z1). Valid values are:

Blank: Do not purge records

1: Purge records

Note: If you do not set this processing option to purge records from the F0411Z1 table, you can run the Purge Batch Vouchers Entries program (R0411Z1P) to purge records.
3. Match Process for Single Voucher Per Invoice

Use this processing option to specify how to perform the matching process for the Single Voucher Per Invoice option. This processing option is applicable only when you select the Single Voucher Per Invoice option. Values are:

Blank: Do not proceed when an invoice line fails to match.

1: Proceed matching for other lines when an invoice line fails to match.