Record Reservation

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides record reservation capability within the Landed Cost Selection program (P43291). Record reservation helps to ensure the integrity of the data and prevent data loss. To avoid simultaneous processing of the same records, the system reserves (locks) records for processing by any other program. Thus, the system does not allow you to edit a record that has been locked by a different user or application.

When a program that uses record reservation is interrupted, orphaned reservation records might remain in the Business Object Reservation table (F00095). This can occur, for example, when technicians are working with a server, or when a workstation shuts down without warning. If an interruption stops one of the programs in the Landed Cost Selection program before it releases the reservations that it creates, you cannot update the records until the orphaned reservations are removed.

You can use the Remove Business Object Reservation program (P00095) to release unwanted record reservations. This program stores reservation information in the Business Object Reservation table (F00095).

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides an additional feature to enable record reservation based on the item and branch/plant combination for the P43291 program when it is used along with the PO Receipts program (P4312). When a user attempts to receive an order with the same item and branch/plant combination, the system generates an error if the record is already reserved by another user.

To activate this additional record reservation feature, you must define a UDC code P4312LCRR in UDC (00/RR), with the Special Handling Code field set to 1. You must also set the Landed Costs processing option for the PO Receipts program (P4312) to 1.

Note: If two or more users attempt to receive an order with the same item and branch/plant combination at the same time, one or more of the users may get a transaction error.