Understanding Landed Cost Entry During the Receipt Process

You can enter landed costs when you enter receipt information. You might use this process if landed cost information is available to you when you receive items.

To enter landed costs during the receipt process, you must set the Landed Costs processing option in Purchase Order Receipts (P4312) to apply landed costs. After you enter a receipt, the system displays the landed costs that apply to the items so that you can review or change the costs.

You also can set the Landed Costs processing option in Purchase Order Receipts (P4312) to automatically apply the landed cost rule without displaying the Landed Cost Selection form.

When landed cost is enabled during the purchase order receipt process, landed cost writes general ledger records. The use of service units for A/P matching does not change the landed cost functionality.

See “Understanding Subcontract Vouchers, Service Units for A, P Matching" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Subcontract Management Implementation Guide.