Status Default

These processing options control which status codes the system uses for receipts.

1. Acceptable Incoming Status Code 1 through 3. Acceptable Incoming Status Code 3

Specify a next status. Orders are eligible for receipt when they have the next status that you specify for this processing option.

Before you complete this processing option, review the order activity rules that you have set up.

4. Outgoing Status for Partial Receipts

Specify the next status that the order moves to after a partial receipt.

Before you complete this processing option, review the order activity rules that you have set up.

5. Outgoing Status for Closing

Specify the next status that the order moves to after the system closes or fully receives the detail line.

Use status code 999 for closed or fully received detail lines.

6. Outgoing Status for Canceling

Specify the next status that the order moves to after the system cancels a detail line.

Use status code 999 for canceled detail lines.