
These processing options specify how the system performs tolerance checking for detail lines.

1. Quantity and Amount

Specify whether the system checks to determine whether a detail line's quantity and amount exceed the tolerance percentage. To check the tolerance, you can access the Tolerance Setup program (P4322). Values are:

Blank: Do not check quantities and amounts to determine whether they exceed tolerance.

1: Display a warning when the detail line exceeds the tolerance.

2: Display an error message when the detail line exceeds the tolerance.

2. Date

Specify whether the system checks to determine whether a detail line's date is outside of the tolerance date range. To check the tolerance date range, you can access the Supplier/Item Information program (P43090). Values are:

Blank: The system does not check receipt dates for detail lines to determine whether they exceed tolerance.

1: The system displays a warning when the receipt date in the detail line is outside of the tolerance date range.

2: The system displays an error message when the receipt date in the detail line is outside of the tolerance date range.

3. Foreign Tolerance Validation (Release 9.2 Update)

Specify whether the system validates if a purchase order detail line's foreign unit cost or foreign amount exceeds the tolerance percentage or amount. To define the tolerance, access the Tolerance Setup program (P4322). Values are:

Blank: Do not enable foreign tolerance validation.

1: Enable foreign tolerance validation.

Note: To make the Foreign Tolerance Validation processing option effective, ensure to set the Quantity and Amount processing option in the Tolerance tab to 1 for displaying a warning or error when the detail line exceeds the tolerance.