Troubleshooting the Voucher Match Automation Process

This table includes troubleshooting information for the voucher match automation process:



What do I do with a record in the F0411Z1 table that won't process?

Records remain at a process type 1 if the VMA process cannot find a match or if the records do not pass all validations. If you create logged vouchers, the VMA process changes the process type of a valid record from 1 to 2. When the system successfully processes a process type 1 or 2 records it changes the process type to 4.

If you determine that a record will not process, you can:

  • If the process type is 1:

    • Use the Batch Voucher Revisions program to delete the record from the F0411Z1 table, and then use the Standard Voucher Entry program (P0411) or Voucher Match program (P4314) to create a voucher and match it to an open receipt.

    • Use the Voucher Match Process Workbench program (P4314WB) to change the invoice match status to 6 (manual match). Changing the invoice match status removes the record from the control of the VMA process and enables you to use the Standard Voucher Entry program (P0411) or Voucher Match program (P4314) to create a voucher and match it to an open receipt.

  • If the process type is 2 (logged voucher exists), use the Batch Voucher Revisions program to delete the record from the F0411Z1 table, and then either:

    • Use the Voucher JE Redistribution program (P042002) to manually redistribute the logged voucher.

    • Delete or void the record for the logged voucher that exists in the F0411 and F0911 tables.

You can also verify that values in the fields in the F0411Z1 table are complete and accurate.

I want to create standard vouchers for invoices that I can match to receipts now, and create logged vouchers for the invoices that don't yet have a matching receipt. How do I do that?

To create both standard vouchers and logged vouchers, you must run the Voucher Match Automaton Driver program (R434010) twice. Run it with Create Logged Voucher processing option blank (prevent the creation of logged vouchers) to match F0411Z1 records to existing receipts, and then run it with the Create Logged Voucher processing option set to 1 (create logged vouchers) for valid F0411Z1 records that were not matched to receipts.

The supplier master record for one of my suppliers doesn't have an automation rule set up. Can I still use the voucher match automation process to process invoices for that supplier?

Yes. The process uses the automation rule in the supplier master record only when an automation rule does not exist for the invoice in the F0411Z1 table. You can use the P0411Z1 program to add or modify the automation rule for records with a process type of 1 (newly added).

Can I change the automation rule for one invoice for a supplier?

Yes. After you capture and upload supplier invoice information to the F0411Z1 table, you can use the P0411Z1 program to change the automation rule for an invoice as long as the process type for the record is 1.

I have the Create Logged Vouchers processing option in the Voucher Match Automation Driver program set to generate logged vouchers, but the process didn't create logged vouchers. What could be wrong?

Verify that the Final Mode processing option in the Batch Voucher Processor Report program (R04110ZA) is set to 1.

You can set processing options in the Batch Voucher Processor Report program that cause the process to send warning messages to the Workflow. You can troubleshoot errors using the warning messages as well as the report generated by the Batch Voucher Processor Report program.

I ran the Voucher Match Automation UBE programs in proof mode and the report lists process type 1 records that can be matched to receipts. However, when I run the programs in final mode, the process isn't matching any of the process type 1 records to receipts. What could be wrong?

Verify that the Create Logged Voucher processing option in the Voucher Match Automation Driver program (R4304010) is blank (off). If the value in the Create Logged Voucher processing option is 1 (on), the Voucher Match Automation Driver program runs the Batch Voucher Processor Report program (R04110ZA). If the Batch Voucher Processor Report program runs in final mode, it creates logged vouchers from the process type 1 records, so no process type 1 records are matched to receipts. If the Batch Voucher Processor Report program runs in proof mode, the report generated by the automation process shows the process type 1 records for which the process can create logged vouchers. If the Create Logged Voucher processing option is on, the process does not match the process type 1 records to receipts because you set the Create Logged Voucher processing option indicating that you want to create logged vouchers from process type 1 records instead of matching the records to receipts.

See also Understanding Proof, Final and Suggest Modes

I have logged vouchers that I created outside of the voucher match automation process. Can I automatically match them to receipt records using the VMA process?

No. The VMA process matches receipts to logged vouchers only if the logged voucher was created using the VMA process.

What are some tips for improving system performance?

You can follow these guidelines to optimize system performance:

  • Schedule the Voucher Match Automation Driver UBE program (R4304010) to run when few users are on the system.

    The voucher match automation process utilizes record reservation and will run more efficiently if records are not in use by other users or processes.

  • When you populate the F0411Z1 table, provide a value for the automation rule.

    If the records does not include an automation rule, the process accesses the supplier master record to obtain the automation rule. Eliminating the need to access the supplier master record for this purpose saves processing time.