Understanding Batch Voucher Processing for the Voucher Match Automation Process

When you run the Voucher Match Automation Driver program (R4304010) to match F0411Z1 records to receipts and purchase orders, the program processes only those records in the F0411Z1 table that include these values:

  • Automation Flag (data item ATFLG) is equal to 1.

    When you enter 1, the record is enabled for processing by the VMA process. If you leave this field blank when you create a record, the system populates the field with 1 if the record is otherwise valid. You can set a processing option in the Batch Vouchers Revisions program (P0411Z1) to automatically populate the Automation Flag field with 1 when you enter or copy a record in the F0411Z1 table.

  • EDI Transaction Type (data item EDTR) is equal to V.

  • Process Type (data item PSTE) is equal to 1 for newly created F0411Z1 records, or equal to 2 for logged vouchers.

    When you add records using a batch process or when you manually add a record, you must enter 1 for this field or leave it blank to enable the process to populate the field with 1. The system changes the process type to 2 when you generate logged vouchers using the VMA process, and changes the value to 4 when the VMA process successfully matches the record to a receipt and purchase order.

A record corresponding to the F0411Z1 table must exist in the Voucher Transaction Batch Upload - Voucher Match Automation (F0411Z1T) table if the supplier master record indicates that item information is required.