Understanding Receipt Information

After you receive the goods on a purchase order, you must record the details of the receipt. The system uses receipt information to:

  • Update item quantities and costs in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system.

  • Update general ledger accounts.

When you receive goods, you must verify that the details of the receipt correspond to the information on the purchase order. You must verify item numbers, quantities, units of measure, costs, and so forth. If the receipt details differ from those on the purchase order, you must adjust the purchase order detail lines to reflect the receipt. For example, if landed costs, such as delivery charges or import taxes, apply to the item's purchase price, you enter these costs for the order during the receipt process.

The system also enables the pricing and repricing of purchase order items at receipt. Pricing and repricing at receipts for matrix items and quality attributes enables you to account for price changes that must be reflected when an item is received.

When a direct ship order is created in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management, the system automatically creates a corresponding purchase order. For a direct ship order, you must enter a receipt to update the corresponding sales order with the new status information. However, if you enter a partial receipt, the system splits the corresponding order detail lines on the direct ship sales order and updates only the order detail line that was received.

If you work in an inventory environment, you can specify the warehouse location in which to store items upon receipt. If a certain location is full, you can assign items to multiple locations. If you group items by lot, you can assign items to a single lot or to multiple lots. If necessary, you can specify serial numbers for these items.

Note: (Release 9.2 Update) If the specified warehouse location has a hold code that does not allow the transaction, the Location on hold error is displayed.
If the receiving branch/plant has license plate functionality activated, you use the processing options on the Warehouse tab and license plate branch/plant constants to process license plate information for adding inventory to the location.

Each time you receive an order, the system:

  • Creates a receipt record in the F43121 table.

  • Updates item quantities (availability and commitment) in the F41021 table.

  • Adds a new record to the F4111 table.

  • Updates the appropriate accounts in the F0911 table.

Each time you cancel or reverse a receipt, the system updates the same tables that were updated when you entered the original receipt.