Understanding Special Order Processing

A special order requires different handling than a regular order. In many instances, a special order is a prerequisite to an actual order. Examples of special orders include:

  • Requisitions - preliminary requests for items and services.

  • Blanket Orders - large orders for which you want to receive periodic disbursements.

  • Quote Orders - requests for supplier price quotes.

  • Order Revisions - orders for which the system tracks modifications to orders.

You enter most special orders in the same way that you enter orders. You distinguish a special order by its order type and order activity rules. For example, when you work with a requisition, you usually enter an order type of OR (requisition order). When you work with a blanket order, you usually enter an order type of OB (blanket order), and so forth.

Based on the line types, activity rules, and status codes that you set up for special orders, each special order type follows a different process cycle in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system.

See Setting Up Order Activity Rules.

The system provides you with the necessary tools to create a requisition, generate a quote from the requisition, and then generate a purchase order from the quote. The number of suppliers from whom you can solicit quotes is unlimited, the number of items quoted is unlimited, and the number of purchase orders that you can create is unlimited. Processing all of these tasks online improves efficiency, links all of the documents together, and provides an audit trail of the necessary information to create purchase orders or quote orders.

When you are using the Purchase Order Generator (P43032), Generate POs from Requisitions/Blanket Order Release (P43060), and Quote Order Release (P43360) programs to release blanket, requisition, and quote orders, the purchase order that is generated contains the retainage indicator value. The value of the Retainage Indicator field is brought over from the source purchase order irrespective of the processing option setting.

See Working with Retainage.

Note: Service units are not reduced when a blanket order, quote, or requisition is released.