Validation of Records in the Purchase Order Receiver File (F43121)

The VMA process selects records from the F43121 table when the match type of the record is 1. The VMA process attempts to match F0411Z1 records with a process type of 1 to F43121 records with a match type of 1 (no voucher exists). For logged vouchers (process type 2), the process attempts to match the F43121 record to the F0411 record that corresponds to the F0411Z1 record.

When a record in the F43121 table is selected by the process or by the user to match to an invoice line, the process writes a value to the FUF3 (Future Use 3) field in the F43121 table. Receipt records for which the value is other than blank (unprocessed) or 3 (approved) are not selected for matching to other invoice lines. If the receipt record has a status of 3, then the VMA process enables you to complete the match in the Voucher Match Process Workbench program (P4314WB). Or, you can run the VMA process with the Process Approved Invoices processing option in the Voucher Match Automation UBE programs set to 1 (process approved suggestions).