Record Selection from the F0411Z1 Table

If the F0411Z1 records include the required values, the process selects the records to attempt to match to F43121 records using the data selection set for the Voucher Match Automation Driver program. Note that the process does not use data selection from the Voucher Match Automation UBE programs.

Additional record selection includes these factors:

  • The record must be included in the data set that you set up in Data Selection in the Voucher Match Automation Driver program.

  • If the supplier master record indicates that item or order information is required, then the item or order information must exist in the F0411Z1 table or the corresponding F0411Z1T table.

    If the required information does not exist, then the process does not select the F0411Z1 record for processing.

  • The invoice match status is blank (unprocessed) or 3 (approved) in the corresponding record in the F0411Z1T table.

    The process selects and processes approved records only when you set the Process Approved Invoices processing option in the Voucher Match Automation UBE programs to 1 (process approved suggestions) and run the programs in final or suggest mode.

  • The G/L date, minimum and maximum gross invoice amounts, line types, and date range are validated against values in the processing options of the Voucher Match Automation UBE programs.

  • The gross amount cannot be 0, but negative invoice amounts are processed.

  • The effective currency date is validated against the value in the Effective Date processing option in the version of the Voucher Match program (P4314) that you specify to run.