
These processing options control which version of various programs the system uses.

1. PO Inquiry (P4310)

Specify the version that the system uses when you use the PO Inquiry program.

2. A/P Ledger Inquiry (P0411)

Specify the version that the system uses when you use the A/P Ledger Inquiry program.

3. Receipt Reversal (P4312)

Specify the version that the system uses when you use the Receipt Reversal program.

4. Receipt Routing Movement (P43250)

Specify the version that the system uses when you use the Receipt Routing Movement program.

5. Landed Cost Selection (P43291)

Specify the version that the system uses when you use the Landed Cost Selection program.

6. General Ledger Post (R09801)

Specify the version of the General Ledger Post Report program (R09801) to use for automatic posting of the general ledger batch. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the ZJDE0009 version.