
These processing options enable you to customize the printed purchase orders.

1. Print Option

Specify whether the system routes the purchase order information to a work file and launches a second UBE to read the work file, and prints the purchase order. For example, use this option when you need to customize the layout of the Purchase Order Print program.

The Print Purchase Orders program (R43500) processes the orders and performs the necessary logic (such as calculating taxes). Values are:

Blank: Launch the Purchase Order Print program (R43500).

1: Launch a secondary UBE.

If you leave this option blank, the system will not route the purchase order information to a work file and will not launch a second UBE.

2. Name of 2nd UBE

Works with the Print Option processing option. Specify the name of the second UBE program to be launched. If you leave this option blank, the system launches the default Purchase Order Print program (R43501).

3. Second UBE Version

Define the version that the system uses when you use the Purchase Order Print program (R43501). Enter a valid version or leave this option blank. If you leave this option blank, the system uses the ZJDE0001 version.

When you select a version, review the version's processing options to ensure that the version meets the needs.

If you set the Print Option processing option to 1 and leave the Name of 2nd UBE processing option blank, the system uses the default Purchase Order Print program (R43501).