Implementation Details

This table includes information that can help determine whether the Shopping Cart Processor business service is functioning correctly:



How can I tell if the business service process completes successfully?

When the business service is finished processing, if all lines were successfully processed, the user is returned to the Shopping Cart program, and all items appear on the form. Only successful lines appear on the form. If one or more lines does not complete successfully, the user receives an error message.

If I encounter errors while processing a transaction, do I need to reverse the transaction?

If the business service encounters an error while processing a record, that record is not inserted into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database. Therefore, it is not necessary to correct or remove any data from the system.

Does this business service use record reservation?

No. This business service only creates new records in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database. Therefore, it is not necessary to reserve records within the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system during processing.