Enable SSL for Server Manager Console on the WebSphere Application Server

Note: The certificate and the keystore files that are used to configure the TLS settings with Server Manager Console must be used for configuring the SSL setting as well.
  1. Access the WebSphere Admin Console in the browser for the profile in which the Server Manager Console is installed. A sample URL would be: https://denpbds11.example.com:9146/ibm/console

    This image is described in the surrounding text.
  2. Login to the WebSphere Admin Console using the WebSphere Administrative credentials.

  3. Navigate to Servers -> Server Types -> WebSphere Application Servers.

  4. Click on the Server Manager Console J2ee server (in the example below it is the SMC_Server_e1wassmc_Console).

    This image is described in the surrounding text.
  5. Expand the Ports tab on the lower right hand side and write down the WC_defaulthost_secure port number. This is the port which we will use to access the Server Manager Console over HTTPS/SSL. In this example, the WC_defaulthost is the port number over which we will access Server Manager over HTTP.

  6. In this example the WC_defaulthost_secure parameter is set to 9519 while the WC_defaulthost is set to 8999.

    This image is described in the surrounding text.
  7. Next, navigate to Environment -> Virtual hosts -> default_host -> Host Aliases.

  8. Select New and add a host alias with Host Name set to * and the Port set to the entry noted for WC_defaulthost_secure (in this example it is 9519).

  9. Click OK.

  10. Click Save.

  11. Restart the Server Manager Console J2ee container (in this example, SMC_Server_e1wassmc_Console) from the command prompt using these commands:

    Z:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\JdeAppSrv1wassmc\bin>stopServer.bat SMC_Server_e1wassmc_Console

    Z:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\JdeAppSrv1wassmc\bin>startServer.bat SMC_Server_e1wassmc_Console

  12. Next, access the Server Manager Console in the browser using an HTTPS/SSL based URL (https://<Server_Manager_Console_HostName>:< WC_defaulthost_secure_port>/manage/home). In this example the URL is: https://denpbds11.example.com:9519/manage/home

    This image is described in the surrounding text.
  13. Go to Import Server Manager Console Certificate into the Server Manager Agent Truststore/Keystore and perform the steps.